
半导体厂商服务 半导体封装

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Company file
Company Name: 金源电子服务公司 Type of company: 个体经营 (制造商,贸易商,服务商)
In the place: China/山东省 Company Size: 50-99人
Registered capital: 3000万人民币 Registration year: 1998
Data certification:  
Business model: 制造商,贸易商,服务商
Business Scope: 半导体厂商服务 半导体封装
Products on sale: 半导体封装|引线框架|封装管壳|电子管座|光电封装
Purchased product: SOC封装|引线框架|半导体支架|激光器封装|微波封装|
Major business:
Sensor and Chip Materials Pack-Equip Consumable
Packing Equipment Testing-Equip Consumable Processing Equipment
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