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Almost any homogeneous material can be measured using analogue or digital display systems reading to 0.1um.
Simple to use and set up, all the advantages of electronic systems including tolerance lamps, data capture and spc are available.
Key Features:
Gauges any non-porous material
Eliminates contact contamination of delicate surfaces
No burnish marks on superfinished surfaces
Measures to 0.001mm
Gauges cylindrical or spherical shapes
Particularly suited to measurement of plastics, hard rubber, thin film, silicon wafers, and highly polished surfaces
Single nozzle application for measuring 'step heights'. Examples include silicon slices mounted on a substrate, tracks on circuit boards and partially coated (plated) surfaces.
Continuous measurement of strip materials such as plastics, tape, film stock etc. The aluminium housing for the lower nozzle provides support for the material. Single nozzle measurement is possible by passing the material over a roller.
If you have any questions before purchasing, please contact us.