Service Hotline
DISCO DFD6361 dicing saw, 2009.
NITTO UM810 UV machine.
NITTO DR8500-II taper, 1998.
NITTO HR8500-II detaper with UV option, 2001.
DISCO DFD6340 dicing saw, 2010.
DISCO DFG8540 wafer back grinder, 2009.
DISCO DAD3350 dicing saw, 2007.
ICOS CI-T120 lead scanner x 2, 2008.
SEIKO EPSON NS-6040 handler x 7, 2004~2006.
Disco DFG8540 x 1, 2004.
NITTO DENKO MA3000II wafer mounter x 1, 2004.
NITTO M286N wafer mounter x 1.
Okamoto GNX300 300mm wafer grinder x 1.
ASM AD8930 for LED x 4.
Disco DAD321 x 5.
Disco DFD641 x 2.
Disco DFP8140 x 1.
Disco DFD651 x 1.
Disco DFD6340 x 1.
Disco DFD6360 x 1.
Disco DFG841 wafer grinder x 1.
Disco EAD6340 x 1.
Disco DFD640 x 4.
Disco DAD340 x 1.
TSK A-WD-5000A x 1.
Okamoto VG-502 MKII 8 back grinder x 2.
If you have any questions before purchasing, please contact us.