Service Hotline
OAI纳米压印模块系统是一种模块化附件,可用于任何光刻机。 这种创新技术是由Hewlett Packard开发的一种低成本的研究和开发解决方案。 它使得能够使用高产率脱模技术,并且适用于几乎所有的光刻机系统。
Nanoimprint ModuleThe OAI Nanoimprint Module System is a modular add-on that may be used on any mask Aligner. This innovative technology was developed at Hewlett Packard as a low-cost solution for research and development efforts. It enables the use of high-yield mold release technology and is adaptable to virtually all mask Aligner systems.
If you have any questions before purchasing, please contact us.